A new interdisciplinary approach for oncological patients Complementary treatments, isolated or combined intervention?

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Raquel Galán Saenz
Paloma Issa-Khozouz Santamaría
Margarita Torices Caballero
Tania Barroso Prieto
Cristina Maroto Milena
Miguel Castellanos Dafos
David Garrido González
Ana Isabel González Fernández
Jose Manuel Morales García
Francisco Torrú Moreno
Celia Aroca Millas
Marta Guardia Asensio
Arancha Mazo Da Silva
Javier Cánovas Pérez de la Blanca
Alfonso Álvarez Campos


Cancer patients suffer a clear decrease in their quality of life due to the numerous side effects and sequels produced by the treatments and the disease itself. Scientific evidence confirms that work with physical exercise, physiotherapy, nutrition and psychology provide numerous benefits for these patients. At the UAPO Foundation we address these areas in an interdisciplinary manner, uniting these treatments that are normally given in isolation. In this way it could be verified whether people who have or have had cancer obtain a higher quality of life with our work. Physical exercise is the main axis with a frequency of two 60-minute sessions per week accompanied by nutritional, psychological and physiotherapeutic assistance.

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Galán Saenz, R., Issa-Khozouz Santamaría, P., Torices Caballero, M., Barroso Prieto, T., Maroto Milena, C., Castellanos Dafos, M., Garrido González, D., González Fernández, A. I., Morales García, J. M., Torrú Moreno, F., Aroca Millas, C., Guardia Asensio, M., Mazo Da Silva, A., Cánovas Pérez de la Blanca, J., & Álvarez Campos, A. (2024). A new interdisciplinary approach for oncological patients: Complementary treatments, isolated or combined intervention?. Physical Activity, Exercise and Cancer, 1(2), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.55860/UWRT1632
Physical exercise in cancer prevention


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