Relationship between physical exercise load and return-to-work in female breast cancer survivors Systematic review

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Hector Carrión Gilabert
Judith Arbós Figueras
Sergi Matas
Antoni Anzano
Sebastià Mas-Alòs


Introduction: Evidence has shown physical exercise leads health benefits in breast cancer survivors, for example reducing return-to-work (RTW) time. However, what exercise component has (if any) the greatest impact on the recovery time after breast cancer. The aim of this study is to determine the exercise load variables (type, frequency, intensity, exercise time, volume, density and progression) that are best associated with recovery time in female breast cancer survivors (measured as time off work). Methods: In this systematic review, we included experimental, cohort, and observational studies of female breast cancer survivors engaging in physical exercise programs. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Sport Discus, and Scopus (Sep 2021-Sep 2022) using the PICOS strategy and PRISMA 2020 guidelines. Studies were independently screened and data extracted into a database, focusing on exercise variables association with return-to-work time. Methodological quality was assessed using ROB 2.0, considering study design, intervention details, and bias risk. Results: Following screening, seven studies were included in this review, with five defining a minimum of one exercise component. Two studies specified frequency and density, while three defined the type, frequency, volume, intensity, density, and progression of interventions. No study found a direct correlation between exercise components and RTW time. Conclusions: In the literature reviewed in this systematic review, it is not possible to identify which exercise variable(s) have the strongest correlation with RTW outcomes. The existing studies demonstrate a lack of comprehensive intervention descriptions, limiting our understanding of the distinct exercise components and their potential effects on RTW results.

Article Details

How to Cite
Carrión Gilabert, H., Arbós Figueras, J., Matas, S., Anzano, A., & Mas-Alòs, S. (2024). Relationship between physical exercise load and return-to-work in female breast cancer survivors: Systematic review. Physical Activity, Exercise and Cancer, 1(2), 35–46. (Original work published March 19, 2024)
Review Paper
Author Biographies

Hector Carrión Gilabert, University of Lleida (UdL)

Human Movement Research Group (GRMH) [2021 SGR 01619]. National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC).

Judith Arbós Figueras, University of Lleida (UdL)

Human Movement Research Group (GRMH) [2021 SGR 01619]. National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC).

Sergi Matas, University of Lleida (UdL)

Human Movement Research Group (GRMH) [2021 SGR 01619]. National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC).

Antoni Anzano, University of Lleida (UdL)

Human Movement Research Group (GRMH) [2021 SGR 01619]. National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC).

Sebastià Mas-Alòs, University of Lleida (UdL)

Human Movement Research Group (GRMH) [2021 SGR 01619]. National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC).

Funding data


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